Sunday, January 30, 2011

Step 1 `Powerless over sex and love addiction

Step 1 `Powerless over sex and love addiction

So i found this funny journal at the bins and i am going to quote it word for word.....Its pretty funny!!

Lucian ...was my first (got really jealous if i hung out with friends)
-had sex b/w 2-5 times = normal
.got mad one night when i didn't get off-got in huge fight in canada
-after cheated on me -got back together
.i checked his phone (blocked her name and number)
.got his passwords -Facebook, Myspace, 2 email accounts, &mobile account credit card account.
-through email i found out that he was going to suprise laura W/limo and flowers on v-day-i didn't get anything
-found out he rented a hummer to go to cirque de soile -met him there , slapped him -broke up
-continued to check myspace -talked to minors about cyber-sex (a girl on my space)
& fooled around with girls in herminston (miners)
-lied to me about it
-checked t mobile acount incessently at work while we were still sleeping together to see how often he had talked to laura -
-called & talked to laura to get her side
-i would pick him up after hed party to have sex
-fucked up his fb&myspace -then changed his password so i couldnt look anymore
-1 month later =kwa shaddy accused of cheating (sex with kwa was terrible) thats why i went back to lucian
-he had another girlfriend the whole time
-lucian kept checking my space -brought up illusive questions to ask him about it
-made andy wait 3 dates to kiss me
-thought he was cheating but he wasn't but still in love with ex
-thought about this alot
-insecure flirting with my friends and hooked up after we broke up- stopped talking to both.
-single 1.5 yrs
-slept with izzy 3 times (might get a high from sex)
ale -no one 6months
-nelacey- 1 month
-youn- vevas
michael -1month- lots of sex like lucian
. obsessed &idealized michael about all qualities we have in common & "us"
-kept all texts and read them frequently
-alwyas check fb (fb stalking)
-feeling &urge to want to ditch out on friends for a guy i like (not just any guy)

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